Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Time to learn the difference between a nigger and a black person.

Put your ignorance aside. The link I will post at the end is worth watching. Am getting sick of hearing outright ignorance, racism, outright lying.

I have listened to both Americans and Canadians lump all black people and niggers into the same pot. Which is completely far from the truth. There is one hell of a difference between the two. 

Do I Support niggers? No. But I do support black people? Yes.

How many of you even know the difference? One who thinks outside the box do clearly know the difference. Don't deny it, think about it. Don't play stupid, also think about it. Don't act based on what others tell you, think for yourselves, if you can.

This video you may see as funny, but it is not. It is completely true, it takes another black man to make it clear and undeniable. Some may need to listen more then once, so do so, to understand the truth. Don't run away from it, don't ignore it, learn from it. Open your minds.

For those who have read this, listened to what was said in the video respond "fuck you" I say fuck to hell off, crawl back under your rocks, the likes of those are not needed in this world today. And for those who understand, share to those who do not


Mike, (E)

 (And to those who do not like this, I have one thing to say...KISS MY ASS. Oh I am a white man)

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