Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Wanted: A premier with a plan:

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We’ve no doubt Dalton McGuinty is looking forward to spending more time with his family now that he’s announced he’s stepping down as Ontario’s premier.
That said, let’s not be naive.
Whatever his personal reasons for quitting, one of the political ones was that he knew he couldn’t win the next election, or at the very least that he couldn’t restore the Liberals to majority government.
The reason for that is that the Liberal brand in Ontario has been badly damaged after nine years of McGuinty’s rule.
Given this reality, what the next Liberal leader stands for is a lot more important than who the next Liberal leader is, not just for party members but for the people of Ontario.
In that context, here’s our six key pieces of advice for the next Liberal premier of Ontario.
1. Don’t lie. You don’t have to promise not to raise taxes but if you do promise not to raise them, then you have to follow through.
2. Admit mistakes. Voters will forgive a leader who makes mistakes. What they won’t forgive, as McGuinty eventually discovered, is a leader who doesn’t learn from them.
3. Appoint a competent finance minister. A competent finance minister doesn’t defend massive government deficits and overspending by telling the public things would be much worse if the opposition was in power. A competent finance minister delivers a credible budget every year. The next leader of the Liberal party needs to find one. Desperately.
4. Appoint a competent health minister. Health care accounts for almost half of all provincial spending. Any serious plan to balance Ontario’s books starts in the health ministry. When the health minister isn’t competent, the inevitable result is financial disasters like eHealth and Ornge. The government gets mired in scandal and the public gets the shaft.
5. Turn the Green Energy Act into compost and start over again. Few things have been more destructive to the Ontario economy than McGuinty’s mad experiment with wind and solar power. Overpriced, unreliable electricity is not the way to rebuild Ontario’s economy, it’s a recipe for continuing disaster.
6. Finally, remember that being the “education premier” doesn’t mean asking “how high?” every time the teacher unions say “jump.” That’s what your predecessor did and look where it got him.

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